The aim of carrying out a Social Service Program is to make the boys aware of their responsibilities towards the Society. Under the able guidance of a Staff member, the boys learn to care & help maintain their surroundings. One period of every week is dedicated to Social Service.
Here are a few activities carried out by boys opting Social Service:
Within the School
- Keeping the school campus clean
- Marking the sports ground for sports events
- Helping with various school functions
We have conducted many of seminars, motivational Programs and Social Awareness Meetings to the students and to the public in the nearby villages and conducted rally in the subjects like Personal hygiene, cleanliness of Home – in and Around, Water Scarcity and Water Management, Power and Energy savers, Health and care, Respect – a great moral value, Science and fact, Aim High, Time management, Goodness of name – a gift, Determine to Determine.
Public Relationship department of our school shows short films in the nearby colleges in order to create awareness and develop the knowledge and sensational developments : such as Nature, Water, land, air, Variety of pollutions, how to tackle day – to – day issues of present society, the essentiality of every one’s share to the modern world etc.,
Our school takes over all kinds of fees of a student, in case of his or her parent lose life.
Our school offers free education to the students of weaker sections and economically impoverished society and background.
Our school students and teachers have collected the dry food items, cereals and comestible, cloth and materials, first aid things and Every day utilities from the public in and around the nearby villages and sent to the flood affected area / people in Chennai and cuddalor during the heavy flood as a humanitarian act in addition to that our students have prepared 10000 chapattis with tomato puree in our school mess and had sent along with the above material.