The school uniform is compulsory on all class days and school functions. Every pupil should come to school clean and tidy. Hair should be well-trimmed and combed for boys and neatly tied for girls.

Every pupil must be punctual to class on every working day. Late comers must not enter the class without late attendance record signed. No one should absent himself without obtaining leave previously.

Students absenting themselves from an examination without grave reason will be considered as having failed. Students absenting from any examination for any reason whatsoever will not be re-examined. The marks obtained in the quarterly, half yearly, mid terms and the annual examinations will be considered for promotion.

No absentee should enter the class without the written permission from the Principal or the Class Teacher.

Irregular attendance, habitual idleness, neglect of homework, disobedience and disrespect towards members of the staff or bad moral influence justify dismissal. Students are responsible to the school authorities for their conduct both and in and outside the school.

It is forbidden to write or scribble on the Black Boards, walls, desks, or throw paper in the classroom, or in any way damage the school properties. Damage done must be paid for according to the discretion of the Principal.

Students are themselves responsible for their own books, fountain pens, cycles, Tiffin carriers and other articles they may bring to school.

Students are strictly forbidden to bring Transistors, Walkman or Cell Phones to school.

Introducing any sort of Comics or objectionable print or visual media will be punished by suspending or even removing the student from the school.

Students must take part in all activities organized in the school. If a student is absent for any such activity, he will be fined. Aim of this fine is to insist upon the seriousness of participating in all school activities. In case of absolute necessity Prior Permission should be obtained.

Every student must take part in school games and sport activities unless declared physically unfit or exempted by the Principal.

Using filthy language is an offence against public decency and students using filthy language will be immediately suspended from the school for a week. Such students will not be allowed to participate in any extra curricular activity. They will not be also eligible for any other award.

Only English should be spoken with in the school premises except Friday. After three warnings, the erring students will be asked to bring their parents for an explanation.

Pupils are not allowed to meet parents or visitors or to leave the school premises during class hours, without the permission of the Principal.

Students will not be allowed to go out during Lunch Hour. Gate Pass has to be obtained from the school office to go out in case of necessity.

The School Diary is a record concerning the student. Therefore every student should take special care of the diary and bring it to class daily.

Students must be very serious about doing Home Work, submitting assignments and involving in Project Work.

Progress report will be given to the parents after each terminal examination. Parents or guardians are requested to examine the progress report carefully and see that their wards make special efforts to study those subjects in which they are weak.

Parents are expected to co-operate in the work of the school by enforcing regularity and discipline and by taking a keen interest in their child’s progress. They should check the diary for any remark and note the Homework, Project Work or Assignment set in the classroom.

Parents are requested not to enter the classroom or speak to the teachers during the class hours. Parents who seek information or who wish to make some complaint should make a call to the complaint number given already or should do so to the Principal and not to the teachers. In case of necessity the parents may meet the teachers between 3.45 p.m. and 4.15 p.m.

Students must be encouraged to develop a spirit of generosity. However no gift or demonstration of any sort (individual or collective) to the teacher is allowed without the previous consent of the Principal.

The entrusting of a Student to the school implies that the parents agree to abide by the rules and regulations and decision of the school.

Parents are specially requested to read the rules carefully and see that they are followed.